Pfp crypto meaning

pfp crypto meaning

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The NFT PFP Evolution - The Unstoppable Podcast Clips
Digital pieces of art known as a PFP, or Picture-for-Profile non-fungible tokens, is used as a social media profile picture or avatar. PFP NFTs. PFP - an acronym for "profile picture" that is often used in social media but is also a prominent term in the context of NFTs. share. easy. 2. PFP (profile picture) is a popular social media acronym. NFTs on the other hand are non-fungible tokens, assets that exist mostly on the.
Comment on: Pfp crypto meaning
  • pfp crypto meaning
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  • pfp crypto meaning
    account_circle Mikabei
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  • pfp crypto meaning
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For instance, the creators made it impossible to trade fractions of the tokens. Although it got off to a slow start, the project quickly gained value and became one of, if not the most, cherished NFT projects ever. However, if you simply take an image from Google that resembles a specific NFT and use it as your profile photo, it will not be PFP NFT, as it beats their main purpose � showing off that you actually own that asset. These were 3D characters, varyingly unique and tradable just like the CryptoPunks. Calendars Coming Soon.