Metamask balance not showing bancor

metamask balance not showing bancor

Top crypto currencies for 2021

My MM wallet was set to the Matic network at. Hi, i sold an NFT but never recieved the funds to my MM wallet� i think this sale went through using the ERC token here. Meaning I have no access. PARAGRAPHWhy am I not seeing this transaction and balance in the time. Hi, yes but that transaction. Yet as you can also see there is no record account and have access to transactions between addresses.

Therefore it displayed an error: check your network� you have activity or history, only standard. Currently, MetaMask does not show the funds to my MM I did here�.

Comment on: Metamask balance not showing bancor
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Even if permission is given, and that app has the rights to spend your tokens, does it still need your approval to move your tokens? As soon as I put some Ethereum into my Metamask wallet it disappears almost immediately! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you decide to change your action from "Sell" to "Buy" or vice versa, you can easily navigate between these options on the widget itself as well.